NOL – Beach Cleaning Marathon

NOL’s dedicated team came together for a beach cleanup, ensuring the pristine beauty of Romeikos Gyalos, in Myrina, Lemnos is preserved. Recyclable materials, garbage and a total of 1200 kilos of seaweed were collected!

With this action we improved the coastal environment, but we also tried to eliminate hidden dangers for our athletes.
Seaweed poses a potential hazard to our athletes, making this cleanup not just an environmental effort but a safety measure too. We’re committed to providing a safe and clean space for all our members.

It’s heartening to witness the spirit of community and environmental responsibility within NOL. Together, we can create a positive impact on and off the water!
The action was implemented under the RoBeats Erasmus Plus project, that NOL is partner.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this incredible initiative. Let’s continue to row towards a cleaner, greener future!