About us

RO-BEATS aims to expand the age-range of athletes involved in Beach Sprint by forging eco-conscious mindsets and behaviors in participants and promoting sustainable tourism development.

Reviving Coastal Communities through Rowing and Green Initiatives

RO-BEATS: ‘Rowing Beach Sprints: Green, Spectacular, Intergenerational’ (project no. 101133950, funded by the Erasmus+) is led by a European consortium of nautical clubs across the continent’s coasts. RO-BEATS is coordinated by the Nautical Club of Lemnos in Greece, with Rowing Club Adriatico Fano in Italy, Ruderklub Flensburg e.V. in Germany and Clubul Sportiv FARUL Constanta in Romania participating as partners. 

Fostering Age Equality, Fitness, and Environmental Stewardship in Coastal Communities through Beach Sprints

RO-BEATS builds on the beach Sprints’ relation with the natural environment and the athletes’ broad age-range. Thus, it is oriented towards promoting age equality, dealing in parallel with the lack of physical activity in the European populations and enhancing the natural environment protection through sustainable coastal development. Hence, RO-BEATS aims to expand the age-range of athletes involved in Beach Sprint by forging eco-conscious mindsets and behaviors in participants and promoting sustainable tourism development. 

Advancing European Sports Policy Priorities through Inclusive Beach Sprints and Community Engagement

RO-BEATS is fully aligned with the priorities of the European Union sports policies as it encourages healthy lifestyles for all by being aligned with two major European initiatives in this sector: the HealthyLifestyle4All and the European Week of Sport. The project also promotes inclusion and diversity in local communities trying to engage different age-groups to the realization of common goals, through a series of competitive and non-competitive, international and local activities. 


Therefore, RO-BEATS is expected to strengthen bonds among athletes, across different EU countries, while also to develop a comprehensive framework on how a sport, like Beach sprint, can open to the broader public, the local community and visitors.
